
Legendary Hunter

Unlock every Trophy

Ultra Rare


The Wealthy

Acquire 150,000 Gold

Ultra Rare



Spend 20,000 Gold

Ultra Rare


Waste Yard

Dismantle items 500 times

Ultra Rare


Enhancement Addiction

Enhance items 100 times

Ultra Rare


Treasure Chest

Open a treasure chest for the first time



Treasure Hunter

Open treasure chests 200 times

Ultra Rare


Veteran Hunter

Gain a level 2,000 times in Solo/Trio

Ultra Rare


Trap Designer

Use traps 30 times

Ultra Rare



Use potions 5,000 times

Ultra Rare


Throw Weapon Specialist Hunter

Use throwing items 30 times

Ultra Rare


Beginner Pathfinder

Kill monsters 750 times

Ultra Rare


Veteran Pathfinder

Kill monsters 1,500 times

Ultra Rare



Kill a Hunter for the first time



New Fighter

Kill Hunters 30 times

Ultra Rare


Experienced Fighter

Kill Hunters 60 times

Ultra Rare


Potential Ability Awakening

Enchant an item with a Potential Ability for the first time

Ultra Rare



Kill 5 or more Hunters in a single game 1 times

Ultra Rare


Victory in Chaos

Kill 2 Hunters in a row 1 times

Ultra Rare


Trap Sweeper

Kill a player with a trap 1 time

Ultra Rare


Top Ranker

Become a top 10 ranker 10 times

Very Rare



Kill players with a bomb 1 time

Ultra Rare


Boss Monster

Kill Boss Monsters 2 times

Ultra Rare


The Price of the Hunt

Kill monsters 2,000 times

Ultra Rare


The Price of Combat

Kill Hunters 100 times

Ultra Rare


Legendary Item

Acquire the highest tier item

Very Rare



Perform the first kill 2 times in game

Ultra Rare


Last Man Standing

Win a Solo game in 1st place 1 times

Ultra Rare


Last Team Standing

Win a Trio game in 1st place 1 times

Ultra Rare


Final Record

Win a Solo/Trio game in 1st place 12 times

Ultra Rare
