Fable III

Fable III

0 seconds

Time Played

Sunday, 30th, 2013 at 08:32AM

Last Played

32Earned Accomplishments

Fable III

Chest Grandmaster

You have uncovered every last piece of Hero lore. The Road to Rule is a road well travelled.


Jun 27th, 2013 12:20PM



Fable III


You may well be the first Hero in history to weave two spells together. And wasn't it pretty?


Jun 25th, 2013 10:39AM



Fable III

Knight Jumps Chesty

You beat an inanimate object at chess. Although to be fair, it is a very evil inanimate object.


Jun 25th, 2013 10:16AM



Fable III

I, Robot. You, Idiot

You helped Huxley construct a friend. You'd think he'd be more grateful.


Jun 25th, 2013 08:04AM



Fable III

Diary Of A Sad Man

You collected all of Faraday's diary pages, and learned some history in the process.


Jun 25th, 2013 08:02AM



Fable III

Who Are You?

There is no third prisoner. Or perhaps it's you, sitting on that throne forever more.


Jun 25th, 2013 07:34AM



Fable III

Unnatural Laws

You've found the second prisoner. Have you ever wondered what your nature is?


Jun 25th, 2013 07:21AM



Fable III

Science And Industry

You've found the first escaped prisoner. Is Albion safer now?


Jun 25th, 2013 06:46AM



Fable III

A Slow Day At The Office

There's nothing like an attempt on your life to liven up a boring day.


Mar 2nd, 2011 03:31AM



Fable III

Super Hero

You are the ultimate Hero. A master in every discipline. In other words, you're awesome.


Nov 26th, 2010 03:02AM



Fable III

For Albion!

You killed the Crawler and ended the greatest threat ever to loom over Albion. You are a legend.


Nov 5th, 2010 02:31AM



Fable III

Wizard's Revenge

They called you a nerd. They called you spotty. They mocked your beard. So you killed them all.


Nov 5th, 2010 02:27AM



Fable III

Tough Love

You had to make a lot of difficult and unpopular decisions, but they were the right ones.


Nov 5th, 2010 02:22AM



Fable III


Hunting for treasure isn't always glamourous. The dirt under your fingernails can attest to that.


Nov 4th, 2010 01:35AM



Fable III

Gunning For Glory

Few have ever put the trigger to such bloody use.


Nov 3rd, 2010 23:44PM



Fable III

Ghost Brothers

Not even death can put squabbling siblings to rest, but at least they're safely back with Mother.


Nov 2nd, 2010 06:12AM



Fable III

Magnate Personality

You've amassed a fortune in real estate. Just as well there's no window tax.


Nov 2nd, 2010 03:27AM



Fable III

The Ruler of Albion

You led a revolution and now the throne is yours. How will history judge your rule?


Nov 2nd, 2010 01:11AM



Fable III

Barrel of Laughs

You annihilated 30 enemies using explosive barrels. Isn't it nice how conveniently placed they are?


Nov 2nd, 2010 00:59AM



Fable III

Distant Friends

You convinced the Aurorans to to join your cause. It's time for a revolution!


Nov 2nd, 2010 00:53AM



Fable III

The Resistance

The people of Bowerstone are behind you, ready to stand up against your brother.


Nov 1st, 2010 23:34PM



Fable III

Save The Princess!

You rescued a piece of cardboard and gained valuable insight into the game development process.


Nov 1st, 2010 21:58PM



Fable III

If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It

You're a one-Hero army. A pure massacring machine. A total killing-- well, you get the idea.


Nov 1st, 2010 21:54PM



Fable III

Touched By A Hero

At least twenty people in Albion have felt the hand of Hero touch them. In a good way, we hope.


Nov 1st, 2010 02:42AM



Fable III

Swift Justice

Major Swift and his men have joined your cause. How can you fail with that moustache on your side?


Nov 1st, 2010 01:53AM



Fable III


You dispatched an enemy while he was airborne. At least he went with style.


Nov 1st, 2010 01:08AM



Fable III

And So It Begins

You've taken your first steps towards gathering a rebel force to stand against your brother.


Nov 1st, 2010 00:41AM



Fable III


Your literary investigations have unearthed a one-of-a-kind play. Shame it stinks.


Nov 1st, 2010 00:29AM



Fable III

He's a Woman. She's a Man

Heroes have long been free from the boundaries of normal society. What is normal anyway?


Nov 1st, 2010 00:20AM



Fable III

Total Warrior

Killed enemies with Melee, Ranged and Spell Attacks. Which is your favourite then?


Oct 31st, 2010 22:43PM



Fable III

The Guild Seal

The Guild Seal reacted to your touch. You're a Hero! But then, you knew that already.


Oct 31st, 2010 21:46PM



Fable III

Hand in Hand

You've held hands with another person. What better way to make a connection?


Oct 31st, 2010 21:36PM



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