
Embark on two unique Cyberpunk adventures. Experience a neon-noir story on your first night as a delivery driver in the rain-drenched cyberpunk metropolis of Cloudpunk. Unravel a twisting conspiracy in world filled with action, suspense, and experimental augmentations in FORECLOSED.

Cloudpunk -

A neon-noir story in a rain-drenched cyberpunk metropolis. It’s your first night on the job working for the Cloudpunk delivery service. Two rules: Don’t miss a delivery and don’t ask what’s in the package.

Foreclosed -

Foreclosed is a narrative-driven action-adventure set in a Cyberpunk world filled with action, suspense, and experimental augmentations. Follow the story of Evan Kapnos in this sleek comic book styled game as he unravels the conspiracy behind his identity foreclosure. Who is responsible and why?


Merge Games


Ion Lands & Antab Studio

Release Date

Friday, October 27th, 2023