Weekly Update #1, #2 and #3

Email be gone! Our first Weekly Update(s).
Let's begin.

Over the last couple of weeks, we've been working hard on improving our most used resources across the platform. As such, we've shipped new UI features and optimizations.

A new Landing Page

We're trying to make the landing page more dynamic, as such, we will start showcasing the latest and greatest resources.

  • - Latest Announcements
  • - We will be showing, randomly, active and online users and what they're playing
  • - Latest activities, as in, Achievement and Trophies
  • - Newly added and Coming soon games for our Game Front. This includes games from the PlayStation Store, Xbox Live Marketplace and Steam Store.

A new Feed Tracker

The new Feed Tracker is smarter and capable of tracking more stats, like the first time you played a game, your friends and their activity and so much more! It also features a new UI that improves upon grouped resources.
We're still testing the new Feed tracker with our Alpha-Skip users, but once we're happy with how it works, we'll start releasing it to everyone and a proper announcement will follow.

The new Game Front

We're working hard on aggregating all the data we collect from the PlayStation Store, Xbox Live Marketplace and Steam Store into a single resource we called Game Front.
Through Game Front, we'll showcase the newest and upcoming games, indies, most popular etc.. across all major stores.

We've also redesigned and revamped each store page to look the same, regardless of its provider.

A new Friends Overview Page

We've redesigned the Friends Overview page to bring it more in line with the other .directory resources. As such, the initial list has now been replaced by a new page from where you can see your Online friends and most active.
Like 'My Collections' and 'My Achievements & Trophies', you will be able to Browse all, if you want to. This page has also had a quick revamp to better showcase all your friends.

On top of that, we're testing a new feature(s) that allows you to manage your friends in games.directory . This will allow you to add, remove or block friends straight from games.directory.

This feature is only available to authenticated integrations:

  • - Call of Duty
  • - PlayStation
  • - Xbox
  • - Steam
  • - Epic

That's it for this week(s).

Related Updates

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